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And Now, The End is Near…

  |   NEWS

Well Monday came around again, how did that happen?!  This year is galloping away already, although I must say when a series of Benidorm ends people often ask me when the next series is going to be.  Series usually run yearly but as we are usually on in January I...

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Camp London

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After a month or so being back in London it's been great to catch up with the latest shows.  I love living in Spain half of the year but I do miss the social and entertainment opportunities our exciting capital has to offer; although the last three or four shows...

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New Website!

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Well here it is, my shiny new website. I’ve been threatening to do this for some years now, I even made a couple of brave but ultimately pathetic attempts at doing it myself via these free build-it-yourself websites but there comes a time when you just have to bring in...

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